During the Lingam massage your masseur will massage your sacred spot. This is the area between the anus and the testicles about the size of a pea or slightly larger. You will feel a gentle small inward movement, this may be uncomfortable to start with. As this area is worked and softened, you will be able to increase your master ejaculatory and orgasm control.
During this process your Lingam will be caressed as the sacred spot is being massaged. The finger can also be replaced with a vibrating wand to add an extra sensation.
When you are close to ejaculation you will feel the masseur push on your sacred spot. You may feel some strong emotions as your masseur accesses your sacred spot this is completely natural. The masseur is creating a place of intimacy and trust with you.
With the massage coming to an end you will feel the hands of the masseur leave you and you will be covered with a towel, just lay back and relax and take in all the experiences you have felt.