As a couple have you ever thought about having a couples massage together? Well there are over 4000 searches for “couples massages” on the internet each month. Are both of you are excited about the idea of one or haven’t you spoken to your partner about it yet? Do you talk freely about erotic experiences or sexual desires? Does your partner like to try new things? Not sure what your partner will say or what their response will be or how to even approach the conversation?
The right time, place and setting.
Choose a time that you feel your partner will be more responsive. So not after a hard day at work, if you have been arguing or if your haven’t had sex for some time, this would just say you need something more than them. You will know when the mood is right maybe when your having a relaxing night on the sofa with some candles burning with a glass of wine or after when sharing a bath and your being intimate.
Starting the conversation.
What type of massage are you thinking of with your partner? A sensual massage, encourage conversations about fantasies and erotic experiences. Tell them how sexy you find them and ask how would they fancy a sensual couples massage together? This gives them the upper hand and in control of the conversation.
Talking about the couples massage.
There is no set way to discuss this, bringing up the conversation and see what they say. Never speak as if you have already decided on booking one and say you have booked a couples massage for the pair of you, this will put your partner under pressure. Maybe say something along the lines of I have been thinking about a couples massage together for sometime now what do you think? Your partner may or may not jump at the idea and fear that there is something wrong with your relationship or sex life. Reassure him their isn’t anything wrong with your relationship and talk to them about the joint experience and how you would like to see them receive a sensual massage and would like them to see the same. This is something new to the relationship and not outside the relationship, something you are experiencing together.
What if your partner says NO!
If your partner says no then you have to respect their decision. They may or may not change their mind in time to come when they have had chance to digest the thought. Don’t give the silent treatment, say your glad you have spoken about it, and no massage if worth putting your relationship in jeopardy. So why not get some oil out and give each other a massage.