So, what`s been happening here at Male Masseur in Manchester during COVID 19 breakout I hear you ask?
Since the shut down in late March the therapy room has had a complete make over with a new laminate floor, it has been redecorated with a new feature wall and new curtains hung to fit in with the colours of the website. It is all about appearance and the first impression.
On arrival as you come upstairs to change for your treatment there are two new diffusers filling the air with a mist of fragrance ( Spa Retreat from Next) to put you at ease and relax you before entering the therapy room. During the treatment, the therapy room also has a diffuser with the same fragrance filling the room to relax you and help you drift away.
During this period it has given us lots of opportunity to participate in some online classes and tutorials and to learn some new techniques which we are very keen to incorporate into our various treatments we offer, so if you are past visitor you will find some new twist to some of your old favourites.
We have bought a few new tools to assist with the experience of a massage here at Male Masseur in Manchester. For a small fee of £10 on top of your massage price you can add a hot stone treatment to your favourite massage, these will reach knots in your body that no hand pressure can.
The room has been fully sanitized along with the entrance hall, changing room and bathroom facilities. A whole set of new procedures have been put in place ahead of reopening to protect our past and new clients from COVID 19. You will have seen a set of questions we now asked when you make a booking and we ask that you answer these as honestly as possible to keep us all safe and healthy. Hand sanitizer and wipes are available and please use them before and after your appointment. Should you wish to wear a mask or require your masseur to do so please let us know before the treatment start, these are provided in the changing room. All towels are changed and fresh for each client, these are washed at 100 degrees. The buffer time between bookings has been extended to allow us to carry out our deep cleaning procedures between each client. If you have any questions about any of our procedures, please do not hesitate to ask us.
To finish your treatment off at the end of the appointment we have now added a hot flannel facial if this is something you do not want please let us know.
We are constantly looking at ways to improve our website and trying to make it easier to navigate and you will notice that we have added a Whats App instant chat button to the left of our screen to allow you to chat with us instantly and ask any questions you may have.
Just a few of changes we have made to your Male Masseur in Manchester experience and we look forward to welcoming you back shortly, until then stay safe and healthy.