Do you like to be naked ?
Well yes Friday the 3rd of February 2023 is National Naked work from home day. Mark this on your calendar as it happens every year on the first Friday in February. For the keen Naturists amongst us get this on your calendar and book that day to work from home.
Jamie and Kyle Junior are lucky enough to be naked on this special day in the calendar as most of the massages they offer require them to be naked. The Sensual Naturist, Deluxe Sensual Naturist, Body to Body, Four Handed, Lingam, Couples, Tie and Tease and the Pamper and Bubbles Massage. Being naked with their clients helps the client to relax more. This allows your masseur to freely access all your muscles easily.
Being naked is frowned upon in society and many cultures. In the comfort of your own home you can be as free and naked as the day you were born without anyone to judge you or pass comment.
Being naked is good for your health and well being. Some reasons for you to strip off and get naked about the house.
- Helps beat stress.
- Be more confident in your own body.
- Accepting your body for what it is.
- Less money spent on washing clothes.
Things to enjoy naked!
There are many things we can do naked and will enjoy doing not restricted by clothing, here are a few for you to try out.
- Housework.
- Decorating and Painting.
- Topping your tan up
- Meditation, Yoga and Exercise
- Relaxing watching TV or reading a book.
- Chilling with likeminded friends.
Check our Book a Massage page for availability for your naked massage.
Many keen naturists in today`s society are married or in relationships where their other half doesn’t share this interest. They don’t allow you to be naked around the house. Join us here at Male Masseur in Manchester for one of our regular naturist evenings we organise where you can mix and mingle socially without any prejudice with other males and females that enjoy being naked. If you are in interested in attending call us on 07725 744355 or email jamie@malemasseurmanchester.co.uk
We look forward to meeting you at one of our naturist evenings. Wishing you a Happy Naked Work from Home Day
Interest in joining other people interest in naturism have a look at Brocken Hurst – Home of the Naturist Foundation